Michelin Corporate Foundation

We must save Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral!

This compulsion immediately became obvious to our Michelin corporate foundation. Emotionally, because the unbearable sight of the destruction of Notre-Dame by the flames automatically demanded that it be rebuilt. Spiritually, because the faith of many Christians has been strengthened here under its almost thousand-year-old nave. Heritage-wise, because Notre-Dame de Paris is an exceptional architectural witness of the great cathedrals of Christianity. Culturally, because it expresses the values ​​and a certain vision of the Western world.

We cannot allow any of this to disappear.

As if it had sensed the urgency of coming to the aid of Notre-Dame de Paris, our foundation, shortly before the fire, had informed the “Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris” of its intention to support its essential restoration work.

What appeared to us then as an isolated act is no longer so: there are many donors, public and private stakeholders, companies and individuals, Christians and non-Christians, French and foreigners, who have shown generosity to make the reconstruction and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris possible.

May they grow and multiply so that the sustainable future of our beautiful cathedral is fully guaranteed!

Philippe Legrez
Chairman of the Michelin Corporate Foundation

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